If you find yourself struggling for content ideas for your photography blog or social media posts, have you ever thought about using national awareness days as content prompts? If not, I strongly suggest giving it a try!

Few things are more frustrating than staring at an empty screen knowing that you need to create content to promote your photography, yet being utterly clueless about what to write.

This is precisely where awareness days can come to the rescue. Every year, there are hundreds of awareness days in each calendar month and this means that there’s a wealth of potential topics you can use to inspire captivating content ideas!

Related reading: A step-by-step guide to using awareness days in your photo marketing content

Awareness days are invaluable as content prompts

Consider this: an awareness day centred around a specific theme or topic has the potential to unlock a multitude of photography marketing content ideas throughout the year.

“How?”, you might ask. Well, when used as prompts, you may discover that the chosen theme of an awareness day, awareness week, or monthly campaign sparks inspiration and sets your brain into motion. It could trigger the recollection of a compelling story to share with your audience or unearth a memorable experience that might catch their interest, for example.

Given the wide range of topics that awareness days are linked to each and every month, I believe that it’s entirely possible for you to leverage awareness days in your content. By doing so, you can potentially come up with endless content ideas for your photography business!

Related reading: How to use awareness days to inspire photography content ideas

Free calendar and June awareness days 2024

If you’re reading this around the time this article was originally published, now’s the time to start creating content for your photography marketing channels for June! (I know, I know! How are we nearly at the mid-point of the year already?!) 

In June, there are many awareness days and campaigns, so I’m confident that you should be able to find some that are relevant and that could inspire content ideas you’ve not thought of yet.

Here’s a list of June awareness days that you might want to look out for in 2024:

June Awareness Days

Month-long awareness campaigns in June

There are month-long campaigns during June including:

  • Pride Month
  • Care for your Grandparents Month
  • National Great Outdoors Month
  • Age without Apology Month
  • National Candy Month
  • Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Charity Awareness Month (SANDS)

Awareness days and week-long campaigns in June

Now, let’s focus on June awareness days and week-long campaigns. There are around a hundred key dates in June including the following:

*Please note that the dates below apply predominantly to the U.K. in the year 2024, and are subject to change year on year. Although they are correct to the best of my knowledge at the time of publication, please check the dates of any awareness campaigns you plan to use. Where I have found links to more information, I have included these below. 

Week-long campaigns in June include:

Awareness days in June 2024: A (non-exhaustive) list of key dates

01 National Say Something Nice Day

01 International Children’s Day

01 World Milk Day

01 Global Day of Parents

02 Cancer Survivors Day

02 March for Men

03 World Bicycle Day

04 Hug Your Cat Day

04 International Corgi Day

04 National Cheese Day

05 World Environment Day

05 Bike Week

08 National Best Friends Day

08 World Oceans Day

10 World Gin Day

13 National Sewing Machine Day

14 International Bath Day

14 World Blood Donor Day

15 National Flag Day

15 Beer Day Britain

15 National Smile Power Day

15 National Lobster Day

15 Nature Photography Day

15 International Surfing Day

16 Father’s Day (UK)

18 International Picnic Day

19 National Writing Day

20 World Refugee Day

20 National Clean Air Day

20 World Productivity Day

20 National Vanilla Milkshake Day

20 Summer Solstice

21 World Music Day

21 World Motorcycle Day

21 International Yoga Day

21 National Selfie Day

21 World Giraffe Day

21 National Take Your Dog to Work Day

22 World Rainforest Day

22 Positive Media Day

23 Public Service Day

23 National Let It Go Day

23 International Widows Day

23 Women in Engineering Day

24 International Fairy Day

25 Global Beatles Day

27 International Sunglasses Day

27 National Bingo Day

27 International Pineapple Day

28 International Body Piercing Day

28 National Cream Tea Day

28 National Insurance Awareness Day

29 National Camera Day

30 National Social Media Day

Ideas of how you could use these Awareness days in June 2024

Now let’s look at some ways that you could intepret these events, days and themes to your photography marketing content: 

1st June 

  • National Say Something Nice Day – Any photographer could use this as a prompt to share a compliment or positive review online – perhaps about a supplier or client? It’s always nice to be on the receiving end of a compliment, so why not give more? Perhaps others will say something nice about you too!

It could also be ideal for portrait photographers who specialise in empowering photography. If you’re a beauty or boudoir photographer, for example, you could use this awareness day to reinforce the message about being kind to yourself and focusing on self-love. Or, make it more about you…talk about how you stay positive as a business owner and some of your favourite ways of boosting your self-esteem when you face tough challenges? 

15th June 

  • Nature Photography Day – This is a great one for any photographers who capture locations, wildlife and flora and fauna, as well as family photographers who shoot outdoors. It ties in nicely with the National Great Outdoors Month theme too.

You could share inspirational content including examples of your favourite images, talk about interesting commissions you’ve had or where your photography has been used or featured. You could also create videos or Instagram Reels with a few quick-fire photography tips that your audience could use themselves when taking photographs in nature. 

16th June 

  • Father’s Day (U.K.) – Family portrait photographers, naturally, you’ll want to be promoting your family portrait sessions in the lead-up to Father’s Day as photos are the perfect gift for dads and grandparents.

On the day itself, you could share examples of your portraits of children with their Dad and/or Grandfather to show examples of your best work, along with a tribute to fathers in the form of a poem or meme. Behind-the-scenes funnies are always entertaining too – kids pulling their Dad’s nose or ears, that sort of thing! 

21st June 

  • National Selfie Day – You may not take many selfies of yourself but on this awareness day, why not break that habit? Take a selfie on your phone and share it with your online audience so that they see your face or, even better, talk to the camera and share something about yourself or what you’re up to on Selfie Day. Showing your face is a great way to build a connection and a chance to reveal a bit more about you to your followers.

Alternatively, get some engagement going on social media by asking your followers how many selfies of themselves they have on their camera roll, or share some selfie photography tips or phone photo editing hacks as a quick value post, and ask them to comment with their own tips as well.

29th June 

  • National Camera Day – What was your first camera? Which camera do you use now and why? How many cameras do you have? These are all questions you could answer in your content on national camera day. You could also show off your kit or create a behind-the-scenes timelapse video showing you packing your camera kit for a job or commission, or setting up your photography studio.

Or, you could create a variety of content around why you became a photographer, who inspired you to pick up a camera in the first place, or around your early memories of starting out in your photography career. Talk about why you love photography, how it has enhanced your life and who or what you love to photograph.  

June awareness days can inspire tons of content 

I hope that this may have helped to show you how you can use some of the June awareness days in your marketing content this year. Of course, these are just some ideas I’ve put together and are shared just to give you some quick-fire inspiration on how to apply them to your content.

Don’t overthink this!

Remember, there are many more awareness days in June than those listed above. Cherry-pick a few of the June awareness days that speak to you and then interpret them however you wish.

P.S. Keep checking back to this blog for more similar articles. This is the sixth instalment of a monthly blog series that’s focused on awareness days and how to interpret them to create content ideas. 

Related reading: May Awareness Days

Good luck with your June content planning!